Dev C%2b%2b Graphics Header File

Dev C%2b%2b Graphics Header File Average ratng: 4,2/5 317 votes

How to use graphics in C++ when working on Dev-C++.
When you install Dev-Cpp, it does not come with “graphics.h” and related files. There is a special add-on, if I may call it so, that you need to install before you can write “#include<graphics.h>” in your C++ program. This is known as the WinBGIM Devpack. You can download it from –, when you create a project, go to Project->Project Options and select the Parameters tab. In this, under the “Linker” field, type in the following. (including the ‘-’)


Once you have this installed and the above changes made, you do not need anything more and can simply include the graphics.h header file and start working
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Dev C 2b 2b Graphics Header File Free

  1. To minimize the potential for errors, C has adopted the convention of using header files to contain declarations. You make the declarations in a header file, then use the #include directive in every.cpp file or other header file that requires that declaration.
  2. How To Include Graphics.h File In Dev C First Download the suitable binary file, according to your Linux OSThe current release of SDLbgi is 2.2.3. To compile it from sources, you will need a compiler (gcc or clang are fine), make, and SDL2. On Debian and Ubuntu-like distributions, you will need the package 'libsdl2-dev' and its dependencies.
  3. The 'graphics.h' header was a part of the BGI (Borland Graphics Interface) library, which was specific to the compilers released by Borland, Inc. Dev C does not use that library. Modern trend is to use GDI, GDI+ or switch over to Windows graphics. 3.5K views View 5 Upvoters.
  4. How to add graphics.h header file in Dev-C 5.6.2 version? Find answers now! 1 Questions & Answers Place.
  5. If you’ve previously tried downloading graphics.h header file and pasting it in the include folder of your compiler directory, but yet still it showed error, here’s a step-by-step solution to your problem. There are a few other settings CodeBlocks wants you to make to successfully run or execute C/C graphics programs.

Dev C 2b 2b Graphics Header Files

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